Life Groups

Gather Together

What is a Life Group?

A Life Group is a safe space gathering for people to pursue authentic relationships and explore faith in community, being spiritually formed toward full devotion to Christ.

No person is created to do life alone or walk their faith journey alone. Iron sharpens iron. It is vital in our journey with Jesus to nurture deep, long lasting friendships, dig deeper into God’s word while experiencing the ups and downs of life together through hospitality, sharing our stories and serving on mission.

What to Expect at a Life Group

  • Most groups have anywhere from 6-12 people. As they grow larger, they reproduce.

  • Group meetings usually consist of a time of connecting and enjoying refreshments followed by a discussion and time of prayer. Every group is encouraged to commit to serving together in some capacity in a local cause.

  • Throughout the year groups also do things like celebrations, BBQs and picnics, go to events together, and more.

  • In the summer most groups meet less and do more social activities together.

What Groups Discuss

Most groups use our discussions based on the week’s devotional and sermon while other groups use approved curriculum that may include a video series or study book.

When and Where Groups Meet

  • Our groups meet throughout the week on different day—mostly Sunday to Thursday.

    • Some meet during the day while most meet in the evenings. Some groups meet once per week while others meet every other week or twice per month.

  • Groups meet at the church or in homes, work places, even in parks or coffee shops, and restaurants.

We have groups for:

  • Seniors

  • Families

  • Special Focus

  • Multi-generational

  • Men

  • Women

  • Young Couples

Want to Learn More or Join a Group?